one day, somewhere in the big wide universe...

September 2086. Cassie Deppiesse is 13 months old, Dallas is 21, Lucy is 20.

One day, somewhere in the big wide universe, aka their new home in South Carolina, the little blue baby who saved the world became a regular toddler.

As regular as a third-generation alien-hybrid toddler can be, anyway.

Cassie likes to fly like a rocket ship. Her daddy builds rocket ships, but she's only ever seen them in pictures. She isn't quite walking yet, and she isn't saying many words, either, but she can talk to Grampy with her brain. She likes hugs and kisses, bubble baths, fireflies, and apple juice. She doesn't like being left alone.

Cassie loves everybody she meets, but her best friend is her mommy.

Deppiesse family notes and chatter: 

That smile. Look at that smile! I am dying of cuteness. <3

Technically, Cassie's first birthday would have been in August, just a few days after Benji was born, amidst all that ruckus, so I couldn't break up that story so close to its finale. Now, in September, she is 13 months old.

And now that I'm going rotational again, September birthdays belong to another sim, but I couldn't pass up little Cassie. She is just too precious. And now, since I've decided to play through 2087-2090, you'll get to see her grow up as a toddler! 

Baby #2, Eris, is still in my game, obviously, hiding in her nursery like she doesn't exist, lol! I don’t think I want to make her stay a baby until 2092 when she was originally scheduled to be born, because that is a long time to stow away a sim baby. So I might let her be “born” a couple years early. It never really made sense to me that Dallas and Lucy would have waited six years to have another baby—it only happened that way because I skipped over all that time.

OMG, I have my poor families so messed up in time.

I’ve also been itching to redo Dallas & Lucy’s wedding. 

We’ve had so many great upgrades since the beginning of the game—that was even before Orion & the kids were real aliens! I did their wedding so soon after base game, I had nothing. We didn’t even have in-game cameras to take photos for the walls. Or any good CC or poses, or fancy venues, or anything at all. And I was always sad that nobody attended their wedding because I had nobody from the old stories re-made yet. Dallas and Lucy were one of my firsts. They have so many friends and family, it should have been a HUGE wedding, really. But they had practically nobody there.

So I want to give them a do-over. I'm sure you guys don't mind me giving Dallas & Lucy a second wedding. ;)

I'd love to do it frame for frame as the originals, if I could pull that off. Same style and attire as before. But better. 

So you might notice that I've taken back Dallas and Lucy's wedding posts from earlier in the blog, but those will be coming back at some point. No story changes or anything, just updated pictures. Since Eris was said to be a honeymoon baby, she will come along again 9 months after their wedding is redone. 


  1. It is great to see Dallas and Lucy again. I was so excited about their post I couldn't wait to comment till re-reading and commenting on the posts in between. I would love to see Dallas and Lucy's wedding, more as you imagined! Cassie is beautiful!

    1. I missed Dallas and Lucy too! I have another more story-like piece for Lucy after I do Willow's school update. I thought it would be a little piece, but I found that Lucy had a lot to say since the war ended. They've been through a lot in the past few years, too!

  2. Ahh, cute! TS4 toddlers look so adorable. And I second a re-do of Dallas and Lucy's wedding! I would love to see it!

    1. I have never seen an ugly TS4 toddler! They really did a great job with them. Glad you're on board with the re-wedding! I'm already thinking up ideas for it! :D

  3. Oops, just caught up on everything! It was really weird to read something not related to Justin/Steph/Keri/Jeremiah, lol, but I'm happy to see some other familiar faces again. It's bittersweet since I'll kind of miss seeing the Drown peeps all the time, but I was also beginning to miss everyone else's faces! And you definitely started out with a very cute one :p

    1. I promise you will get to see plenty of the Drown characters still. I can't leave them alone, lol! Just instead of having 95% of the posts, they'll have to share. But that's the neat thing about writing these kind of ongoing stories, you still get to see what they're up to after "the end".

      It's hard to strike a good balance when you have 210 playable sims, lol!


    Dallas and Lucy can get married a hundred times as long as it's always to each other. ;)

  5. Maybe Cassie is purplish because she has more human blood? Presumably Orion and co don't have iron-based blood because they're blue but maybe Cassie has a mix of blue and red?

    (It always bugs me that Vulcans are supposed to have green blood but even the very fair-skinned ones aren't greenish.)

    1. I figured you guys wouldn't be disappointed to see another Dallas and Lucy wedding. :D

      I just found this at random. Copper in the blood, like horseshoe crabs, makes it blue. So a mix of copper and iron for Cassie?

      Although I can't say that I planned to spend too much time thinking about it. It might be something to think about later when we see how the rest of Cassie's generation come out, or whether she'll be the only one purple. (Having seen Eris born already, she didn't come out alien-skinned at all.) I kind of can't wait for Delphie and Dakota to start having babies too, but they'll be too young for a while longer, lol!

  6. I don't think I've seen a toddler in TS4 that isn't adorable. Cassie is also very pretty for a toddler. :)

    1. Well, her momma is Lucy, so of course she's pretty! ;)

      Oh, I have peeked and she grows up gorgeous, too! Very blue, but very gorgeous! It's a neat combination with the light brown eyes.

  7. She is so, so cute! TS4 toddlers seem to be adorable without exception, from what I've seen (which is not much, granted!)

    And obviously, I won't mind seeing more wedding pics. Especially if it's Dallas and Lucy!

    1. I have yet to see an ugly TS4 toddler. At least among my own, and I kind of went crazy with them, so I have probably ~10 toddlers in my game at the moment, lol! I suspect that's because they soften the features so that they'll blend well. But they don't all look totally samey, either, which is good!
