gameplay notes: traits and aspirations

With the addition of toddlers in TS4, I have had gameplay on the brain. Before I launch into the next big chunk of stories, I thought I'd finally put this one up.


I’m doing traits my own way (like I do everything else my own way, lol!). First of all, 3 core traits is just not enough for me. Five wasn't enough in TS3, so three would bore me to tears! And additionally, limiting my sims to just core traits is not enough either, especially when the game is full of so many really interesting and useful traits!

And I use [this mod] to enable debug cheats so that I may choose any trait in the game. I use [this mod] to allow my sims more than 3 core traits. The game already allows sims to have as may reward or bonus traits as they want.

Traits can only be chosen on the sim’s following birthdays. By the time they reach young adulthood, they will have grown into 6 traits, and they can have up to 10 by the time they reach their elder years.

helping out

August 2086. Cynthia Kim is 50, Robert is 52, Justin is 26. 

Robert didn't get to see the baby in the hospital, so he and Cynthia took a drive up north to meet his new grandson.

stink bug

August 2086. Willow Nova is 5 years old, Benji Nova is 5 days old.

Stephanie laid Willow's baby brother across her lap with his head propped over her wrist.

"Do you think you can do it?" Stephanie asked. "Two hands, okay? I'll be back in one minute."

"I can do it, Mom."

little love

August 2086. Stephanie Nova and Justin Kim are 26. Willow is 5, Lily is 4. Welcome, baby Benji

In Stephanie's condition, a natural birth would be more taxing on her body than a c-section, but Stephanie insisted that she wanted to try. Her doctor wouldn't have let her do it if she didn't stand a good chance. So they did it. Her doctor ordered the induction at 38 weeks, estimating the baby's weight at a healthy seven pounds. Stephanie's blood pressure remained stable throughout the labor and her spirits were strong.