Drown #13: the story we tell, part 5.5

August 2086. Justin Kim is 26. Willow Nova is 5. Jeremiah Day is 29. 

* content advisory for Drown #13: the story we tell, parts 5.4-5.5: violence/gore

The little voice inside Willow’s watch said, "Keep talking to me, Willow. Can you crouch down on the floor and cover your face?"

"I can't. Justin needs help," Willow said.

"We're coming to help. We'll be there in three minutes. We can count together. Do you like to count? But first, I need you to stay safe. Can you get away from the glass?"

Willow couldn't do that. She saw was Justin’s arm fall limp to the ground, and in the pit of her stomach she felt a panic rise up inside her. She knew she wasn’t allowed to touch the door locks, but there was no question about it. She had to unlock that door. She got out of the car and burst across the concrete.

"Stop hurting my Justin!" She leapt and balled up her fists and jumped onto Jeremiah's back, a tiny fury of spit and nails and teeth. She bit him hard until he let go of Justin's neck to throw her off.

"You little witch, you bit me!"

Hitting the ground didn’t really hurt very much, but she started to cry anyway. Jeremiah reached down and pulled her to her feet.

"I'm sorry, baby," Jeremiah said. "But look, you're okay. You're fine. Hell, you're light as a feather, you just fell right off. But you're okay. See? Come on, now."

"You hurt my Justin. You’re not allowed to do that!"

"You're right. You're so smart. I'll stop right now. See, this is all that I wanted. I just wanted you. I already feel so much better."

Justin wasn’t moving. He needed to wake up. The lady in Willow's watch had stopped talking, and now the watch made a dull static sound instead.

"What's that sound?" Jeremiah asked. "Where is that sound coming from?"

"Get away! You hurt my Justin. You're not nice."

"But Willow, he took my family. It wasn’t fair. But you’re right, my bad temper. You’re so smart. You’re so good. How about you come live with me and help me be good like you? What do you say? Let’s go for a drive. You'll make me feel so happy, I won't have a bad temper anymore."

"No, I'm not allowed."

"But you are. I'm your daddy, and I say that you're allowed. Willow, I only ever wanted to be your daddy. They never gave me a chance. I would be so good to you if you would just let me. This is the only way. Come on, now. We don’t have much time, our train is leaving soon. I have the tickets in my car. We’re going to have so much fun together."

"No! No! No! No!"

"Stop shouting, somebody will hear you. Come here, come with me."

She snapped her teeth at him again.

"You little brat, you sure have a biting problem. Who raised you to act like that? I tell you what, my dad would have beat my ass black and blue if I disrespected him the way that you are right now!"

"I need to talk to Mama. Justin, Justin, wake up. He needs a Band-Aid."

"That doesn’t matter. Willow, he doesn't matter to you. He’s not your dad. I don’t know what he told you, but he’s not your dad. I am."

Jeremiah shook his head and looked around her, up and down.

"What is that noise?" He followed the sound to her watch. In silence, he could hear the muffled sound of voices behind the static. "What does that say?"

The screen blinked red and black, it read "dialing 911…"

"What is this? What did you do? Did you do this?"

Willow cringed. "Justin said I could press it."

Jeremiah glared at her. Then shook his head. "That's okay. That's fine. We'll just take it off. Go on, take it off."

"I don't know how."

Jeremiah took her wrist and examined the watch. This wasn't an ordinary toy watch. The strap was not even plastic, but some synthetic woven blend with a solid core. There was no obvious buckle. He turned it around, but he couldn't find the place where it latched. He pulled the strap, but it stopped at her thumb joint. It wouldn’t go over her hand.

"Ow, that hurts."

"How does it come off?"

"I don’t know."

Jeremiah pressed some buttons, and the watch asked for a code.

"What’s the code?"

"I don’t know it."

He tried some numbers. They were all wrong. Her birthday? He couldn’t remember her birthdate. He was too flustered, he couldn't even remember his own daughter’s birthdate. And that made him madder. He could only think of Stephanie’s birthdate, but that number was wrong, too.

"What’s the fucking code?"

"Only Justin knows it!" Willow shouted back at him.

Jeremiah let go of her wrist. In the distance, Jeremiah thought he heard police sirens. They were coming here, and that watch locked to her wrist was their beacon. He couldn’t take her with him. He couldn't drive her far far away. It was impossible. She was a living, breathing GPS target.

He stepped back from her slowly.

She crawled over to Justin and touched his eyelids, stroked his hair, held his hand. "It's okay, Justin, the ambblince man is coming now."

"He ruined you," Jeremiah said. "I don't even want you anymore."

Willow didn't look at him or give any indication that she'd heard him at all. He might as well be in another dimension. She had Justin's head cradled in her hands and she sang a cheerful song about birds and the rising sun, "Every little thing is gonna be alright..." Jeremiah hated that song now, because Stephanie used to sing it to her pregnant belly, Willow inside, all those years ago when he thought they would be a family.

"You're dead to me now," Jeremiah said.

There was a rustle in the woods. A man, walking a dog, came through the trees. There was no time left. Jeremiah had to go while he still could. Willow was his ruin, and he had to get as far away from her as possible. He had to run away while running away was still an option.

Willow lost track of counting the minutes, but it didn't take very long for the ambulance to arrive.

A lady in a police uniform had the same voice as the lady in her watch.

"Justin needs a Band-Aid," Willow told her.

"They're going to take good care of him now. Come with me, little darling. Let's go call your mom."

footnotes: who taught her to bite // Justin said she was a super hero // every little thing is gonna be alright


  1. Whew, thank you for not leaving us on that cliffhanger for long! I am pleasantly surprised with how this update turned out- it never occurred to me that the watch couldn't be easily removed from Willow's wrist, so I was certain Jeremiah would have been able to take Willow away.

    And how quickly he abandons and basically disowns Willow just shows me how he's fueled more by spite for Justin/Stephanie rather than love for his daughter.

    1. I really don't love cliffhangers as a reader or a writer, but this chapter was legit 5000 words long and needed to be chopped up. But it was also a pretty stark POV change, since Justin is kind of out for the count! So a good place to break.

  2. I thought Jeremiah would take the watch off her wrist too! But the way he talked to her, ugh, I'm glad he didn't get to take her. I know he's hurt about what happened, but he's making things much worse for himself and for Willow. Yeah, he wants Willow more to get back at Stephanie than because he really wants to be her dad.

  3. a note on kid watches of the future:

    I tried to hint in part 5.2 that it was not just a regular watch (the way it clicks together mechanically and then the screen flashed on, rather than a simple buckle), but I didn't want to be too obvious with it and spoil the moment in 5.5 when Jeremiah tried to take it off. ;)

    It's a smart watch, but more like a child tagging device, like something you would put on your kid when going to an airport or amusement park. It has all of her contact info (and legal advisories, like that Jeremiah does not have custody) stored inside it. The watches that exist in current times can just be taken off like toy watches, but that sort of defeats the purpose if you were worried about child kidnapping, which they were in Willow's case. So it's sort of a future idea, maybe, because I'm not aware of something that exists like it right now. Maybe there is and I just don't know about it. But also, I figure it was quite expensive and they wouldn't want her to lose it, so even if they weren't worried about kidnapping, they might opt for one that can't just fall off of her wrist.

  4. re: both Spirashun and Shana, about Jeremiah and fatherhood

    You guys are right about the spite. He certainly did want to get back at Justin and Stephanie, and hurting Justin is surely a way to punish Stephanie even more, too.

    But I do think he also really wanted Willow. I will try to explain, lol!

    Jeremiah has his own ideas about what love means. In Jeremiah's head, love has always felt like possession and complete ownership. He wants to adore completely and be adored completely in return. It was what he wanted from Stephanie, too, and Bella in their time. He has always claimed that if someone had just given him that, he would have been happy. And I've always been intrigued, because I wonder if that could be true. But Bella wasn't that person, and Stephanie wasn't, either.

    So this will sound crazy, I'm sure, because Jeremiah is legit disturbed, but I'm going to say that he really DID want Willow. He wanted her wholly and completely, and he wanted her to adore him in that pure and complete way that kids adore their parents. Except that Willow adores Justin in that way, and that made Jeremiah furious. He didn't want to share if it meant sharing with Justin. He would have been happy to take Stephanie along, of course. Or, well, before she had Justin's baby he would have—now that idea is spoiled on him, and Stephanie is dead to him. But I think he did want to be Willow's dad, and in his mind he would have been a good one. In reality, he certainly would have been a terrible, overbearing, possessive father. But if you could call that a twisted kind of love, then I think he wanted her in that way.

    So yes, he wanted to take Willow to spite Stephanie, but he also did want Willow.

    And OMG why is this disturbed lunatic even in my head!?! 0_0

  5. I loved the way she's wearing a superman shirt, and she was super in this. She was so brave and so strong. To know she needed to break the rules and get out of the car (even though obviously from a safety perspective I wanted her to stay in the car, but she was so brave to try to help Justin). She was a real hero and with recent comments about a woman (melissa mccarthy) making a man look weak I love seeing Willow stand up to Jeremiah.

    I am deeply relieved that she is ok, though. It was so smart of Justin and Stephanie to get her the smart watch and activate it.

    I see what you're saying about Jeremiah. I don't think most people would consider that love but it is all Jeremiah knows.

    1. I don't know if it was clear enough or not, but I did mean to imply that she made a difference when she broke out of the car and jumped on Jeremiah's back. Because, if she hadn't done that, he would have kept going at Justin and done far more damage than he already did, maybe even more than Justin could possibly recover from. So it makes me happy that you noticed her shirt and called her a hero. She truly was one in my eyes, too. :)

  6. Thank God for 'in the future' watches. Thank God for Willow. Please mr policeman, catch the bad man.

    Wow Laura - such a roller coaster ride, I felt for sure Justin was going to be seriously injured or killed in front of Willow.

    I do think Jeremiah wants Willow, but on his terms. And as he's always looking for that 'perfect' person, Willow was never going to be that person Jeremiah wanted. So it was good that he found out now, rather than later when he would do so much more damage to her.

    1. It was damn close, I'm sorry to say. (I blame it on some of the shows I've been watching lately! The human head is not made to withstand that kind of trauma! 0_0) And I'm sorry Willow had to see it, but I'm also glad she was there to help stop it before it was too late. And I also had to wonder how much she would understand at the age of five. I think she would know of death as a thing that can happen, in a vague far-off way (none of her close relatives have ever died, and the only pet she ever had was as a baby), but maybe not fear that two angry people could actually kill each other to death (hence her insistence on a "band-aid", when Justin will certainly need more than just a band-aid.) It will stick with her for a little while, but I think she will be fine as long as Justin ends up fine. Certainly more fine than the other possible scenarios.

      Don't worry, I have a fitting "end" planned for Jeremiah! >:) It might be a little while coming, but it is coming.

  7. Yeah, I agree with Kiri...Jeremiah wants Willow on his terms. He thought she was going to immediately come around to him as her dad and just hang around and dote on him the whole time. There was never any desire or intention to build up a relationship. Which, honestly, he would have had to do even if Stephanie hadn't left him and even if he wasn't an unrelenting asshole - Willow was just too little when he left to have any real idea of who he was. I don't think there's any actual love there, though he would probably say there was. I don't think he knows how to love someone properly. Too busy turning himself into the victim.

    But seriously, good on Willow! She didn't panic and she got Justin some help. Glad she had that little watch!

    1. I'm glad you noticed his victim mentality. It's always very prominent in his mind and decision making when I'm writing him, and it's what keeps him so deeply rooted in his own righteous reality. Otherwise, how would he sleep at night? lol! But I always knew that he couldn't really put his life right as long as he clung to that so dearly. Even after everything he's done, it's like pulling teeth to get him to admit that he's ever done anything wrong.

      Thank you for reading! And so sorry for the late reply! This comment just slipped right by me.
