when you grow up...

October 2086. Justin Kim is 26, Benji is 7 weeks old. 

"When you grow up," Justin said, "we are going to play all day. We'll read all the books and watch all the movies and play all the games. We'll go camping and swimming, and your momma and Willow will teach you how to fish because I'm not very good at it. I'm gonna teach you about rocks and history and electronics and trigonometry and how to balance a checkbook. We're gonna go to GeekCon together and dress up as our favorite superheroes. I can't wait."

notes: not a story, just a moment. <3

Poor Benji was born six months ago in real life time, but he's only seven weeks old in story time because I am taking FOREVER, lol! I can't wait for him to grow up, either. Gotta get moving here! 


  1. Aww! Justin is such a sweet dad.

  2. Geek Con! Justin is the cutest dad! <3

  3. Thanks for reading, you guys! :)

  4. Oh my goodness, Justin! <3 What a sweetheart!!! I'm with him and cannot wait to see Benji as a toddler! In the meantime, this moment was very precious.

  5. Aww, very sweet moment! But yes, age that baby up already, lol! ;)

  6. I am dying to age him up! (Of course, I have peeked, and he is super cute!) But I'd need to skip ahead over some time because his first birthday isn't until August of 2087 (!!!) and I don't want to cheat. x_x

    I'm trying to get myself in the habit of writing shorter updates so the time will go faster. Less updates and shorter updates—I'm tempted to go back to one family a month like I did in LH, lol!
