a prequel to Boxes and Squares

New story coming soon!

Boxes and Squares will be completed in about 7 (huge) chapters. (Estimated around 28k words—another novella, folks! I can’t stop with these characters, I truly can’t!) 

Because the chapters are so big, I feel it would be the least frustrating to post to Tumblr first as I shoot the scenes, then compile the chapters to the blog shortly afterward. I hope not to have too much of a delay between the Tumblr postings and the completed chapters here, but you know, life happens. ðŸ™ƒ

The story spans from September 2088 to March 2089 in the timeline, and will have two short intermissions to visit other families. We will center around Jordan and Maria again, but with shared focus on Ingrid, Colette, and the kids. Supporting roles for Tyler and Maya, Lou (Maria’s sister), Jack Phoenix, and maybe… Charlie? Not sure yet how much trouble Ingrid might cause. You can never really know with that girl, lol!

To start, I kind of feel like taking a little walk down memory lane with Ingrid.

The thing is, writing Ingrid for the upcoming stories, a lot of her mindset and growth keeps reflecting back to the summer of 2085 and the definitive three weeks (it really was only three weeks, lol!) when she was absolutely stupid crazy in love with Charlie Roseland. And I think to understand 25-year-old Ingrid, we need to know 22-year-old Ingrid from that summer.

Those stories were posted on an obscure little side blog, The Lakeside Files, TS3 era, in 2014! Wow, a whole freaking decade ago! I don’t expect anyone to go digging for the relevant posts and scenes, so I’ve done a little flashback series on my Tumblr where you can find them all easily. Truly, it’s been very interesting to focus on Ingrid’s POV only from that story, and how it must have felt to be in her head that summer. Charlie’s story is already told, but you are always welcome to read (or re-read) Charlie & Natty’s story in its entirety on The Lakeside Files

Of course, you don’t have to read these flashbacks either, but they will provide perspective on Ingrid’s actions and motivations in her 25 year-old life in Boxes and Squares.

Ingrid’s POV from, “2085: a rebel yell” 

enjoying the quiet
a forgotten memory
hiding in the supply closet
last day of the summer fair
always choose dare
the ferris wheel
warm beer
thank you kiss
endings and rebounds


  1. It's so crazy how long we've been following some of these sims! Because you wrote about Ingrid in 2014, yes, but she was "born" long before that, right? In Sims 2? I think we only saw her as a child there, if I remember correctly.

    Anyway, looking forward to it, as always!

    1. I’m just gonna keep doing this until I die, I think. 😂

      It’s gonna be like one of those long-running daytime soap operas, like Days of Our Lives or something, going 60 actual years, even with the actors changing from time to time (TS2 to TS3 to TS4 to who knows what next?).

      Yup, Ingrid was born in TS2, she was actually still a toddler when I left off on that blog. Her big sister, Laney, was a child though. I know the math doesn’t quite add up that she’s 25 now, because their family did a little time skip between TS2 and TS3. Soap operas always do funny things with their characters aging, too, lol!
