2087, Lind family Christmas (picspam)

December 2087. Nathan Lind is 38, Ally is 33, Bianca is 10, Julia is 8, Topher is 2. Brady Lind is 73, Meadow is 72. Aurora Harris is 42, Zach is 9, Rebecca is 4.

previously: return to dust, part 2 // part 3

It’s winter break, and the Lind girls enjoy the beautiful snowy countryside at home in Copper Hill, Michigan.

Nathan and Ally commissioned a local photographer to come out and take some family pictures for their holiday cards this year. 

Christmas Eve came, finally. The tree was decorated and surrounded with gifts from the family. The table was set with cookies and beverages for Father Winter.

Unfortunately, Ally missed Father Winter’s arrival because she was stuck in the bathroom having a period mishap. Dammit, Aunt Flo. Now Father Winter was gone, and it was time to put the kids to bed. 

In the morning, Julia was first to wake up, and she got the entire family up one by one.

Ally made breakfast before any presents were allowed to be opened.

Nathan, Ally, and the kids spent a cozy morning opening gifts from each other. 

Later that evening, they would hop on the train to head out west to visit their family in Evergreen Harbor.

Nathan’s sister, Aurora, decided that if she intended to return to work—and life in general, to be honest—she’d like to have her parents around more often to help with the kids. Her kids had lost a lot in the past few years, but one thing she could give them back was a cozy home with a big back yard. Like the home they would have grown up in if their father hadn’t died. So she and her parents purchased this roomy four-bedroom home in Evergreen Harbor, Oregon. Brady and Meadow were happy with the arrangement as well. 

But it was especially nice to have all this space when the whole extended family of ten gathered together. They could never fit all of them in an apartment.  

It wasn’t long into the visit before Julia became very tired.

They tried to gather the children in the yard for a picture, but Julia was still wiped out. 

Meadow felt her forehead and found that the poor girl was burning up. What a bummer to be sick on her holiday vacation.

Meadow tucked her into bed to sleep off the bug, hoping it would be short-lived.

While Julia slept, the cousins got a chance to play together. Not that Zach had anything against his cousin, Julia, but he thought Bianca was more fun. She was the only other kid he knew who liked Voidcritters as much as he did.

More presents from the family. And they made sure to save one for Julia, too.

They all enjoyed some family time that evening in front of some ordinary cartoons. But if the kids were happy and occupied, then the grown ups were happy, too.

Then it was time to get all the little and big people settled for bed, wherever there was somewhere to sleep. 


  1. The Lind kids are too adorable! I was thinking they looked like Ally at first but I think it's just the hair, maybe? I think they have more features in common with Nathan.

    I haven't done Christmas with my sims in so long - this made me miss it!

    1. It definitely gets old doing the same holidays over and over in these ongoing kind of stories, but it’s fun again if you leave it for a while. Before this, I don’t think I’ve played through Christmas since 2016 with Justin and Stephanie, and we didn’t have the Seasons pack back then, so there was plenty new for me to experience with this family.

  2. Aww, poor Julia. Not fun having to sleep through a fun holiday and opening new presents because you’re sick. :(

    But still, it was so cute to see the extended family together enjoying Christmas!

    1. I love getting extended families back together. It’s hard to manage that many sims all together, sometimes, but it’s always rewarding!
