that fateful summer

This story is less about what's happening now, and more about what happened before. Luisa Palmer is turning one year old today—now let's talk about who she is and how she got here.

Laney Thompson first laid eyes on her Greek dreamboat on an otherwise unassuming Friday night, while out on a bar crawl with her sister. The Greek Dreamboat was Ingrid's name for him, although Laney wouldn't disagree that he was a dreamboat. That he was hers was another question. Laney knew that Andreas never belonged to her even for a moment, and sadly he never would be.

still the one, part 2

May 5, 2087. Dallas Deppiesse is 22. Lucy (Harris) Deppisse is 20. (Summer Phoenix is 21, Tyler & Beau Jackson are 23, Maya Jackson is 25.)

Friends and family of the newlyweds gathered outside in the church yard gardens for dinner and dancing. They couldn't have asked for a lovelier spring evening—minutes before sunset, seventy degrees and mostly clear skies with a rose-scented breeze from the adjoining gardens.

still the one, part 1

May 5, 2087. Dallas Deppiesse is 22. Lucy (Harris) Deppisse is 20. 

wedding song: "Still The One," by Shania Twain

On a lovely spring day, at Little Southern Chapel in Fort Palmetto, South Carolina, officiated by Pastor Matthias Collins, long-time sweethearts Dallas Deppiesse and Lucy Harris will be wed.