
age 23, with Dani

Beau Alfonso Jackson

born: December 18, 2063 — Sagittarius
parents: Adrian and Aurora Jackson
siblings: Tyler Jackson (twin)
children: Dani Jackson

- Lake County High School, class of 2082
- Lake City University, class of 2086 (Chemical Science/Business)
- Potomac Pharmaceuticals (science): level 4
career history:
- retail sales, Jackson Arcade, 2080-2086

child aspiration: mental, achieved
aspiration 1: knowledge, computer brain
aspiration 2: family, big happy family
traits: lazy, good, slob, geek, childish, quick learner, mentally gifted (analytical, dorky)
loves: computers, hanging out, hot dogs, gardening, spreadsheets, trivia games
hates: cleaning, exercise

orientation: straight
IFS: 4
romance: April Hutchins, casual on and off since October 2076, together for real March 2084
romantic history:
- Evie Bachman, together February 2077, broke up April 2081, together again October 2082, ended for good September 2083

friendships: April Hutchins (fiancĂ©e), Tyler Jackson (twin), Summer Phoenix, Lucy Deppiesse, Dallas Deppiesse
enemies: none

DNA: hair, black; eyes, hazel; adult height, 6’2”

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