2nd quarter grades, winter 2087

This is the middle grade class at Fort Palms School, the largest and rowdiest school district in the country. Due to overcrowding and an extreme range of population demographics and clashing personalities, this district is rarely easy for teachers to manage. For a moment, all is calm in the science room. Let's just say that they're studying atmospheric science and this is the calm before the storm.

Gabby Roseland didn't start this fight, but she is happy to finish it. She's new to Fort Palms this year, but she's dealt with bullies before at her old school. She's been picked on and teased about her kissing skills, or lack thereof, and rumored to smell like frogs. (She doesn't smell like frogs, she would like to state for the record! She she doesn't kiss badly, either—not that she's likely to give any of these losers a try!) And she wants to make a clear impression this time around. Gabby Roseland is not to be messed with.

Mrs. Sanders didn't see the fight begin, but Gabby pleaded self defense. Since Harry was the one with the troubled record here, Mrs. Sanders took Gabby's word for it. Gabby was sent back to class and Harry was sentenced to detention.

Nobody likes detention. But in all honesty, if he was going to be 100% truthful, of course Harry instigated that fight.

The elementary kiddies at Fort Palms are sweet and rule-abiding still. For now.

Of the high school crop, slacking is more of a problem than fighting. Devon Shaw is struggling the most in academics. And her boyfriend, Aldous, is not much of a good influence either. She scraped by this quarter with barely a pass, but if she doesn't find some area of study that interests her (besides clothes, boys, and texting), she'll have to endure summer school this summer instead of lazing around the pool.

Honor Roll:
Elizabeth Trudgen, 105%
Susie Collins, 103%
Liza Hathe, 102%

My uni kids I seem to have failed to get any pictures for. You'd think I didn't visit them at all with the crappy grades they pulled, but I noted in my file that they got their fair share of time. Must have been partying too hard, because a lot of them did really really bad! Luckily though, they all average out with passes. For now.

Dean's List: 
Sarah Harris, 100%
Dallas Deppiesse, 99%
(tied) Evie Bachman & Stephen Copps, 93%

* remember this story when Sarah was super jealous of Dallas being in the honor's program and then this one when she was super jealous after he got into Takemizu Academy. Well, it took her this long, but Sarah Harris finally beat Dallas Deppiesse at something! She should throw herself a party! 

Granted, Dallas's senior classes are getting really hard at the end, and he has a baby at home, an internship building rockets, and a wedding to plan. His cumulative GPA has tanked to an abhorrent 96.6%! 😂


  1. I love your footnote, as somebody who graduated college with a 3.95 GPA. My roommate had 3.98 and I jokingly threatened to not let her be a bridesmaid at my wedding.

    1. On a 4.0 scale, obviously, not a 100 scale.

    2. Nice! That's some hard work! I let mine slip a little in college, but my high school GPA competition was pretty cutthroat. I came in at #22 in a class of 400-something because I got a B like once in the four years, lol!

  2. I just realised how much Harry looks like one of my teen townies in Sullivan 1.0! He never started any fights though. I'm glad Gabby didn't get into too much trouble.

    I love Devon on the violin! Definitely doesn't look pleased with the sound she's producing!

    Ha, poor Dallas! He does have a lot on his plate. I hope he's not too disappointed with his abominable GPA ;)

    1. I wish Devon loved Devon on the violin. Ugh, that girl is hopeless. I need to find something that will catch her interest. With her mom making minimum wage and her dad in jail, she's gonna have to find some way to support herself. She's no trust fund baby!

      If anyone could do all that and maintain 96% efficiency in all aspects, it would be Dallas!

  3. Dallas is such an overachiever! Children and a rocket are both very time consuming, and to do so well on his studies and career too, is pretty remarkable.

    1. Dallas is a marvel. Must be the exceptional alien DNA. ;)
