little mods yard sale

Just cleaning out my closet. Here is a collection of little gameplay mods that do little things, made for my own game, tested in my own game. Sold as-is, no returns.

No/Less Splash Puddles from the Diving Platform: 

Splash puddles at indoor pools have annoyed the shit out of me! So I fixed it! Sims will still get all of the dive moodlets, and will still get moodlets from being splashed if they're sitting too nearby the diving platform, but puddles will not accumulate on the ground and cause the unpleasant surroundings moodlet and ruin everybody's day out at the pool.

[download — no puddles version]
[download — less puddles version]

Mentor Sooner Mod:

It always bothered me that sims couldn't mentor until level 10 in a skill. They think that a highly skilled sim has nothing to teach at level 7 or 8 or 9? So I fixed it! Sims will now be able to mentor other sims at level 7 of a skill.

Included are every mentor-able skill I could find. Let me know if there are any that I missed. [Basketball, Mural, Pipe Organ, Chess, Writing, Upgrade, Repair, Guitar, Punching Bag, Workout Machine, Violin, Woodworking Table, Piano, Easel, Treadmill]

Sims will still mentor autonomously if they are past the threshold. The mentor trait (which makes the teaching rate faster, nothing to do with sooner) should still work as intended.

Obviously any skill that EA didn't make mentorable is still not mentorable. Can we have charisma mentoring, please?!

[download — mentor sooner] * updated 02/21/18

Nap in the bath sooner: 

Just a very dinky little change that I wanted in my game. Napping in the bath is an autonomous action still, but they may choose to do it when their energy is less than 50% instead of 25% as default.

I wish I knew how to make it a selectable option, but I don't, sorry. :\

[download — nap in the bath]

Less muscles from yoga: 

This is something they already tweaked in a patch once, but I wanted to nuke it even further. People who dedicate themselves to yoga are usually thin and very leanly muscled, not bulky. When they addressed this issue, they only put a cap on muscles at +50% above average on the muscle slider. They didn't change the rate at which muscles are gained, so that's what I tweaked. (They actually had muscle gain at a higher rate than fat loss, which I found to be silly.)

Sims will still gain muscles, but they will gain them much much slower. It's not zero, but it's pretty near. It is 1/7 of the default rate and 1/5 of the fat loss rate. I changed the muscle gain cap to +10% above average, so if they want to gain muscles further than that, they will need to lift weights.

Fat loss is unchanged.

[download — less muscles from yoga]

Investment "Win a Bit" fix:

No pic for this one. It's just an actual fix for the $2000 and $5000 investing options. They had the wrong numbers in the file, so that if your sim drew the chance to "win a bit" they would actually end up losing quite a lot. Now they will actually win a bit. ;)

[download — investing "win a bit" fix]

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