
age 17

Austin Scott Turner

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born: November 19, 2069 — Scorpio
parents: Scott Turner and Leigh Turner
siblings: Rose Turner
children: none

- Sierra County High School, class of 2088, GPA: B+

career: farmer
career history: none

child aspiration: mental, achieved
aspiration 1: nature, country caretaker
aspiration 2: athletic, bodybuilder
traits: hot-headed, independent, animal enthusiast, music lover, loves outdoors, great kisser, mentally gifted, responsible, collector (a cowboy with a loaded six-string on his back)
archetypes: hero, artist
loves: animals more than people, dusty desert sunsets, playing his guitar by a campfire
hates: wearing a tie

orientation: straight
IFS: 1
romance: Malia Kapule, dating since May 2088
romantic history:


DNA: hair, red // eyes, hazel/green // adult height, 5'11" // balding age [55] // glasses age [n/a]
health history:
- reduced fertility, -5%
- one health strike at birth

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