
Bentley Joseph Booth

born: October 8, 2063 - Libra
parents: Joseph and Martha Booth
siblings: Josie Booth, Anthony Booth
children: none

- high school graduate, Lakes District, class of 2082
- University of Minnesota, Pre-Law 2082-2084, (6 quarters)
- Interstellar Academy, 2084-2086 (6 quarters), Astronautic Flight Officer Training

- Military, ISCA, Astronaut level 4, Junior Flight Officer, 2086-present

career history: none

child aspiration: mental, achieved
aspiration 1: knowledge, nerd brain
aspiration 2: fitness, body builder
traits: family-oriented, active, self-assured, mentally gifted, great kisser, quick learner (adventurous, bombastic)
loves: chili dogs, canoeing, math, boats, horseback riding, flying rockets
hates: snobs

orientation: straight
IFS = 3

- single

romantic history:
- Jessica Pendleton, high school sweetheart, 2080 to July 2084

enemies: none

DNA: hair, brown; eyes, dark brown; adult height, 5’11”

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