
age 23

Selena Grace Sosa

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born: August 4, 2063 — Leo
parents: none local
siblings: 3 brothers, none local
children: --

- Sierra Nova University, Class of 2087 (Culinary Arts)

- Kitchen Staff/Bartender at Riley Sky Suites (culinary, level 3)

career history:
- barista (college), 2083-2086

skilled at: 
- cooking (5), charisma (3), comedy (2)

child aspiration: social, achieved
aspiration 1: foodie, master chef (15%)
aspiration 2: family, big happy family (10%)
traits: essence of flavor, family-oriented, romantic, squeamish, fashionista, socially gifted (nurturing)


orientation: straight
IFS = 6

- Andre Sylvester, dating since November 2087  

romantic history: 
- Luis Talbot, dating since March 2084, broke up August 2087

friendships: Luis Talbot, Evie Bachman, Summer Phoenix
enemies: none

DNA: hair, dark brown; eyes, brown; adult height, 5'6"
weight: + 8.8
fitness: - 32.8

health history:
- birth control risk: 4%, fertility: normal for age

previous portraits: 

age 19

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