
age 40

Pamela Marie (Winscott) Collins, "Pam"

born: April 3, 2048 — Aries

toddler trait: charmer
child aspiration: social, achieved
aspiration 1: family, successful lineage
aspiration 2: romance, serial romantic
traits: domestic, beguiling, gloomy, materialistic, perfectionist, creative, socially gifted (judgmental)



loves: home decorating magazines, salons, fine lingerie
hates: vulnerability

education: ?
career: stay-at-home mom
career history: professional cheerleader, age 21-26
skilled at: 

wanted to be when she was a child: an Olympic figure skater

orientation: straight
IFS: 2

romance: Bruce Collins, married since 2071, 
(romantic future: separated/divorce pending since June 2091)
romantic history: Marc Hall (affair, on and off, age 34-40)

parents: not local
siblings: none local
children: Jacob Collins, Susie Collins
grandchildren: --
friendships: Janie Trudgen, Susie Collins (daughter), Jacob Collins (son)
enemies: Reid Morton

DNA: hair, blond; eyes, gray; adult height, 5'5"

health history: 

legal history: 

previous portraits: 

age 32

age 36, with Janie

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