Dustin Felix Fontenot
born: September 5, 2077, Virgo
parents: Louise and Lex Fontenot
siblings: Maggie Fontenot
children: none
education: current, Palms County Middle School
university: --
career: none
career history: none
childhood aspiration: motor, not achieved
aspiration 1: knowledge, renaissance sim
aspiration 2: --
traits: cheerful, creative, quick learner, [clumsy-15]
favorite colors:
romantic: single
romantic history: none
friendships: Lex Fontenot (father), Maggie Fontenot (sister), Amaya Hadley, Louise Fontenot (mother)
enemies: none
DNA: hair, black; eyes, brown; adult height, 5'10"
health history:
- no braces, no acne
- fertility: normal for age
- teen mental health: well-adjusted and fine
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